Spencer Opatrny
Position: Business Manager Year: Fourth Robe Design: Space Dinos
Voice Part: Baritone
Nicknames: Spat, Soap, Spatrny, Sopat, Spence
Majors: Physics & Philosophy
Hometown: Guilford, CT
Favorite Hullabahoos Songs: One
Favorite Quote: “😂😂😂” - Mike Lee Interesting Fact: Started singing last year.
Peter Mildrew
Position: President Year: Third Robe Design: Yellow Daisies
Voice Part: Tenor 2
Nicknames: Roy, Petey, El Pres
Major: Commerce
Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Blessed
Favorite Quote: “What’s goody, my boy” - June Kim
Interesting Fact: Knows what that mouth do. (used to study linguistics)
Teddy Price
Position: Music Director Year: Second Robe Design: Seagulls
Voice Part: Super Tenor/Tenor 1
Nicknames: Teddi, Grem, Theodore Whinshton, Second of His Name, Esquire Majors: Music & Cognitive Science
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Too Close
Favorite Quote: "Kwalub" - Bahoos
Interesting Fact: Has a dog named Kevin.
Jasper Bennett
Position: Historian
Robe Design: Onomatopoeia
Voice Part: Baritone
Nicknames: JBooster, JBooty, JBusiness, JB___, etc.
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Favorite Hullabahoos Songs: Something in the Orange
Favorite Quote: “Washed Up” - Everyone
Interesting Fact: Recently attempted a backflip from Olympic diving height. (it didn’t go well)
June Kim
Robe Design: Pink Flower Blossoms
Voice Part: Super-Tenor / Tenor 1
Nicknames: Junie Toonz, Juniffer, Juneberry
Major: Economics
Hometown: South Boston, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Songs: I Like Me Better
Favorite Quote: “I need it.” - Bahoos
Interesting Fact: Spent a year in Alaska right after high school.
Tarun Sivanandan
Robe Design: Cherry Blossoms
Voice Part: Bass
Nicknames: T-Time, Runester, Runescape, Rooney, T
Major: Commerce
Hometown: Vienna, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Jealous
Favorite Quote: “Shard” - Nick Scheper Interesting Fact: Taught Mike Lee everything he knows about beatboxing.
Nick Chu
Position: Alumni Chair
Robe Design: Sea Turtles
Voice Part: Baritone
Nicknames: Chumba, Chooby, Choobster
Major: Biology
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Favorite Hullabahoos Songs: Can I Be Him
Favorite Quote: “Waaaait” - Caleb
Interesting Fact: Takes time out of his busy schedule to give obo buckets.
Nick Porter
Robe Design: Balloon Animals
Voice Part: Bass
Nicknames: NP, ÑPé, Port, Squeaky P, NPC, Nick Chu, Stinky, NPangry
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: Lexington, MA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Weight in Gold Favorite Quote: “BANGGGGGG” - Dahn
Interesting Fact: His right ear is half prosthetic.
Aaron Chen
Robe Design: Origami Cranes
Voice Part: Baritone
Nicknames: Eraa, Ayce
Major: Media Studies
Hometown: Burke, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: I Like Me Better
Favorite Quote: ““Ah-huh-huh-hah-hah-hah” - Mike Lee
Interesting Fact: Is a TikTok Micro-influencer.
Carson Barnes
Robe Design: Groovy
Voice Part: Tenor 2
Nicknames: Cwá, Cwasón, Staaahp I coulda dropped my croissant, mikeleesuperfan01, Finn McMissile
Major: Government
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Songs: Castle On The Hill
Least Favorite Quote: “I’ve created a monstahr” - Josco
Interesting Fact: Sloths are his favorite animal :)
Caleb Park
Robe Design: Mickey Mouse
Voice Part: Tenor 2
Nicknames: Leeb, Kwaleb, Quarleb, Quality, Kapizza, KayKay, Gollum, Catastrophe Park, Queen Leb, Parallel Park, Quaint, Wange Wover, Lebanese Park, Cawblo, Guedi, Cleba Prak
Major: Global Public Health, Pre-Med
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Something in the Orange
Favorite Quote: "Cai yun heng tong." - Celebrity Cruises
Interesting Fact: Almost signed a contract to be a K-pop singer when he was 15
Chris Mudry
Robe Design: ?????
Voice Part: Tenor 1
Nicknames: ?????
Major: Hometown: Guilford, CT
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Jealous
Favorite Quote: ?????
Interesting Fact: Is a New Guy
Nick Scheper
Position: Social/Publicity Chair Robe Design: Golden Hour Honeybees
Voice Part: Bass
Nicknames: Trepper, Schep, C’mon Schyep, Attaboy Schyyyep
Major: Architecture Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Jealous
Favorite Quote: “I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me” - Josco
Interesting Fact: Went to a nature center instead of pre-K.
Godwin Mensah
Robe Design: ?????
Voice Part: Tenor 1
Nicknames: ?????
Majors: Pre-Law Government, Music Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Style
Favorite Quote: ?????
Interesting Fact: Is a New Guy
Elliott Spinrad
Robe Design: ?????
Voice Part: Bass
Nicknames: ?????
Major: Pre-Comm Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Rock With You
Favorite Quote: ?????
Interesting Fact: Is a New Guy
Sam Solliday
Robe Design: ?????
Voice Part: Tenor 2
Nicknames: ????? (Baby Chu)
Major: Pre-Comm, Public Policy Hometown: Poughkeepsie, NY
Favorite Hullabahoos Song: Earth, Wind, Fire Medley
Favorite Quote: ?????
Interesting Fact: Is a New Guy